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Summer … Bugs Birthday and Bubbles

Tomorrow is the beginning of June, which means to me the beginning of the B words. Yes BBQ, Beach and Blazing sunshine… but for me my birthday falls in June, my son’s birthday is in July and my husband’s birthday is in August. So basically it is one after another. (Oh were the moneys goes!!!)

Then there are the bugs. If you have air-condition and bug screens on the doors and walls you might be save. But the heat usually brings on the bugs. And the bugs usually means either you are covering every exposed part of your body with insect repellant or you are hiding indoors to get away from the annoying bites. With kids you are even more paranoid.

Finally the bubbles. The bubbles from the sparking wine you might think? The bubbles from the scented bubble bath with romantic lit candles??? Nope. I am talking about the numerous amounts of kids’ bubbles solution I have to purchase to keep the kids entertained. Its bubble blowing every afternoon and sometimes in the morning too.

Anyway… it’s all going to be great fun and good times. Hope you started your summer plans and To-do list… do not let it creep up on you unprepared. You might get bit! 

This is my buddy when he was 5 years old.. you can't smell it but he was cover in sunblock and bug repellant. It din't spoil his fun!  :)


  1. I wanted to thank you for your barbecue ribs you linked up but I don't see them anywhere... I'm kinda lost.. lol
    ButI want to Thank you so much for sharing at the ALL STARS BLOCK PARTY!!! Hope to see you again next week..

    Thanks again,

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog! It's nice to "meet" you. :) I definitely need to get onto the summer list train!

  3. Ah summer! You have to take the bad with the good. I don't love bugs or sunburns, but I do enjoy the more relaxed pace of life. I'm following you back on GFC, and really enjoying what I've read so far!

  4. I hate the bugs! Living Florida, they are everywhere and after the Tropical Storm last weekend, we have standing water. It just never ends.
    Thanks for stopping by! I am now following.

  5. I hate the bugs too. I almost got attacked today on my way to my car for work. By mesquitos. Horrible. I do love summer though. Even though its hot, I love it.

    I am following you now from GFC and I love your posts. They are great. If you want to follow back, please do.

  6. I know I can hardly believe it's already here! JUNE, it feels like just yesterday it was Easter. The time flies this time of year for me every year and just like you say, I sometimes can be caught unprepared. But not this year. We still have 3 more weeks of school here too, so I have lil more time to prepare for the fun times. Your lil guy is so cute!

  7. Stopping by from the TGIF Blog Hop! I hear you on the bugs and bubbles! We've already gotten a few bug bites this year. And my kids love bubbles too! I buy the large bubble container and then refill the small ones when they're empty, especially since my youngest tends to spill a lot. Can't wait to read more of your blog! Sarah @

  8. Your little one is cute. I will be out going to the beach, fishing, getting in the pool and alot of cookouts with my daughter. Thanks for following my blog. I'm now following back. Have a great weekend!

  9. I hate bugs! It's the one thing I don't like about summer, other than the blazing hot weather.

    Thanks for the follow, I am follow you back.

    Madeline @ Sunshine and Peanuts

  10. What a sweet blog! Coming by, returning the visit (and the follow) from
    Have a blessed day!

    ~ jen

  11. Hi Jillian! I love this post. I use Kid Bite when my kids get bitten. Poor babies! I love this pix.

    BTW: I wanted to let you know I gave you a blog award on my blog.


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