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What do you do when you hear that little whisper - commenting from a post by First Comes Love.

Hey I was just reading a Post from First Comes Love - A woman's Call to love God, Husband, Children ( about listening to the little whispers and it got me thinking. Although I did reply to her post I thought there was so much more for me to share. You see when I thought of listening to the little whispers I immediately thought of when my sister told me my son was not sleeping well.
I was an island away from him, taking a little vaca from the kids with my husband when my sister called and told me Dylan was not sleeping well.
"What do you mean he is not sleeping well?"
"He is just now sleeping sound," she explained and I instantly thought that Dylan had always been a restless sleeper so I should not really be too bothered.
But then again there was something in her voice that nagged me.
There was a deeper concern that was not necessary if it was just a few restless tumbles, teeth grinding and sleep babbling that I was accustom to. There might be something more.
This was where the little whispers kicked in.
Deep down I did not feel right. Something was not settling as I tried to busy my day with other activities. Even after talking to my husband about it and partially agreeing Dylan might be acting up to get back at us for leaving him to go on this trip, I still could not settle.
"Something was wrong..."
"Something was not feeling right..."
"You need to get home!"
Finally facing my fears and listening to the little whispers in my head I told Jude I wanted to go home. I want to get to Dylan.
So booking the last flight out at midnight (the only available time out) I took the 20 minute flight home to Trinidad and had my sister pick me up from the airport with both my kids in tow.

Again the little whispers acted up. Because after getting home and putting my little daughter settled in her bed I placed Dylan to sleep next to me. Usually I would have put him in his bed, but it just felt right to have him in bed with me.Usually I would have turned out the light and snuggled into my bed thinking I was home now and all this behaviour would stop because he had gotten his way. Usually I would think he was happy to be home and all would be well. But still something was not feeling right. I did not know if it was my sister's husband expression, or his unwillingness to leave that left me weary but I was concerned. So after seeing them off and settling down to sleep next to Dylan, I went to sleep with the hopes that everything would be fine.
It was not.
An  hour later I was awoke to my bed shaking unnaturally. I woke up to see my son have seizure for the first time and it completely broke my heart.
No words could explain the terror, the pain and the helplessness I felt seeing Dylan shaking and not being able to contact him. He did not respond to my voice, my touch or my attempts of shaking him. No words could explain how much my life changed in that second... but to this day I am grateful for listening to that little whisper in my head. I did not try to drown it out or pretend that everything was ok. I had to listen and I am glad  I did.


  1. Jillian,

    How scary. I am sorry for you and your son, but I can tell he has a great mama who listens to the whisperings of her heart and knows when to act. Thank you for sharing this post.

  2. Wow... what great mother's intuition you have. Great job listening to it. That's a hard thing to do sometimes! Hopefully everyone is doing good now.

  3. Great response to that little whisper! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hello there! Thanks for following The Family Fun Spot! I am following you back via Twitter. Cool Blog!

  5. It sounds like God was really speaking and you were really listening. That sounds so frightening, though. I hope He settles things with all this for you.

  6. New follower from "I love my online friends" hop! Love your blog!

  7. New follower fom gfc hop! Something similar happened to us when heading to DC this April and we ended up being delayed 3 times by forgetting something, etc and having to return home. My mother-in-law ended up being put in the hospital for a bleed on her brain.

  8. Hi Jillian, I am your newest follower from the GFC hop!
    Nice to meet You:)


  9. This is really touching, you are amazing for listening to those 'whispers' we so often ignore as moms. God bless you and your son!! I am a new follower from the blog hop, thank you for hosting!
    Barbara @ Chase the Star

  10. This is such a sweet story.. I have had these whispers before, and I'm so glad I always listen to them even though sometimes thought they were silly! I hope little Dylan is ok now!!

  11. Wow, I guess we should all follow our instincts sometimes.

    Visiting via the I love my online friends Hop :)


  12. What a story! I have also had these whispers about my kids. I always try to listen to them, because what if I just didn't "that one time". Hope your sweet boy is doing okay now.

    Stopping by from the GFC hop. I'm now a follower. :)


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