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Since tomorrow is the BIG LAUNCH DATE for Dragon Boyz, it is only fitting I post a poem my son wrote as a class project. He always was a considerate and loving child and I think this says it all...

I Have a Dream

I have a Dream...
That all peace would come to earth,
And every child would have an amazing birth.

I have a Dream...
That all animals would live to full age,
And not end up in a cage.

I have a Dream...
That all robbers would put down their gun,
And try to make up for the things they have done.

I have a Dream...
That all of mankind would love each other,
And treat everyone like a sister or brother.

I have a Dream...
That all people that live on the street,
Would have a home and something to eat.

I have a Dream...
That all bullies would stop being so mean,
And have a heart that is clean.

I have a Dream...
That all my classmates would be in harmony, 
And I hope you all would agree with me.

By Dylan Agostini.

He had truly been an inspiration in my life, in his bravery and in his creativity. 


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