My son’s bike got stolen
this weekend, and it completely confused him. After all I have been trying to
teach him about doing the right thing and making the correct choices he could
not understand why it was taken. He understood it was a wrong action, he understood
the person chose acted wrongly, but he wondered what consequences he was going
to face.
He wanted us to call the
police, he wanted the police to check every house and he did not want the guy
to get away with it. I was sorry he lost it, because he rides his bike
everyday, but I also chose to use this as a learning lesson. I told him that
although we would not get the bike back, the person who took it will eventually
experience a consequence for his actions in due time.
I did ask him what he thought
should happen to the thief, and after some time he said…
“Well his mommy should make
him give it back and tell him not to do it again.”
I was happy and proud of
that response. In a way I saw that all my effort and teaching did not fall on
deaf ears. He will make the right choices and he will learn from the wrong one.
So something good did come from his loss…. And he is also getting a new bike. :)
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