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Snow White and the Huntsman.

For the past few weeks I have been hearing a lot of reviews of the movie and the actors in the movie. I was definitely hoped up. I wanted to see it.. not only because I am a Twilight Fan and I wanted to get a glimpse of Kristen Stewart in a fighting role, but I also wanted to see how the movie held up against all the other Snow White movies recently produced.

Honestly I agree what most people where saying about Charlize Theron performance. It was magnificent and powerful. She embodied the character and gave us a role to remember. However whilst most people viewed Kristen Stewart's performance as mediocra and not realistic... I do not agree. She embodied the character she was suppose to play. She protrayed a scared and uncertain princess locked in a tower, and who during the corse of the movie and the ordeals she had to face, evolved the character to become the strong and capable princess everyone wanted her to be. It was well played.

My favorite part of the show was when William was apologizing for leaving her behind and she relieved him of his guilt and still looked to the huntsman to help her across the stream. Nice!!

Honestly, there were a lot of Kristen Stewart's expressions and actions that can be tied to her performance of Bella Swan in Twilight.. but being a Twilight fan, I liked seeing a preview of what to expect in the final movie. I for one cannot wait now.


  1. I read your review and will look forward to when we can rent it out. I've seen the trailor of both the Snow White movies. Mirror, Mirror looks like a much lighter tale, but I wonder if the humor is silly or clever. Silly is more for kids.

    I've been following your blog and when I wrote my blog post, "Blame It on the Fairies," I thought that would be one you would enjoy. (I'm usually a good judge of character.) It's at

    You left a comment on my blog 1camera1mom, so you'll know me from there.

    Have a great day!

  2. Thanks for the review... I thought this movie looked interesting. I found your blog via the Mom's Mingle and am happy to be your newest follower! I would love for you to follow me back at :)

  3. I definitely need to see that movie and am also a Twilight fan. I think she is a good actress too regardless of what other people think. I've got a free movie ticket I should use from giving blood.
    My girls want to see it too.

  4. I want to go see this soon!

  5. I loved this movie! The Hubby and I saw it yesterday. I too loved when she relieved William of his guilt and then turned to the Huntsman for the help across the river. Of course the romantic in me was sad that we don't know if she wound up with the huntsman! It didn't hurt that Chris Hemsworth is easy on the eyes LOL.

    Thank you for the follow, following you back 8)


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