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Mother's Intuition...

Once again I am writing about the importance of listen to that little voice in your head that gives off warning signals that things are not as it should be. Once again I find myself going the extra mile to ease a worrying thought and coming to the conclusion that it was best I acted on it than ignore it.

It has been over 1 year since my son have been taking medication for his night seizures. One year of constantly reminding him of taking it in the morning and night... and one year of him groaning...

"Mom again!!!"
"Mom how long do I have to continue doing this?"
"Mom when can I stop?"

But recently I have noticed that he was very restless at night (going to the bathroom at least 3 times), over tired (falling asleep on the short drive home) and emotionally strung out (getting angry or frustrated for the simplest of things).

To me these were the warning bells. To me this was the signals of something more developing. So on our trip to Ft. Lauderdale, I got the chance to sleep with my son and observe him. Fortunately I got to see how he have been sleeping at night, and unfortunately I realized I have to increase his medication again.

Dylan have started having slight but noticeable tremors (is the best word to describe it). It is not a full-on seizure, but it is, what I consider, the calm before the storm. It is the little tremors before the really big one. So I am now taking the precautionary steps to increase his medication so he does not relapse into seizures.

It is sad that he has to go through this, and it is sad that he may have to stay medicated until puberty, but it is something he has to do and something I have to constantly encourage him to understand.

In all he have shown me his strength and his bravery and I am very proud of him.

 This photo was taken by my very good friend Tami (The Things We Find Inside and Tami Jardine) and I really love how it captures his smile.


  1. What a brave boy! Love the smile :)

  2. Poor guy - I can't imagine how hard it really is to take the medication but good for you for listening to that little voice!

  3. Good for you for knowing your child enough to know when something isn't right!

  4. Good job mama. And you inspired me to keep up that behavior journal I started, with the vague feeling that something is not right. because it's not, and maybe someday I'll have a label but until then I'll just keep observing.

  5. Moms definitely have a special intuition, and yours was working full-time here. Good work! Your son is precious and is very blessed to have you as his mama.


  6. There's nothing like a mom's intuition. We had something similar with my son's constant stomach issues. I was told for years there was nothing wrong or nothing I could do. I kept trying until I found a doctor who did the right test and found out he has colitis. Thankfully we're on a plan now to nurse his tummy back to health.

  7. What sweet boy. I'm sorry he suffers with these health issue. Good job staying on your toes like you do.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about his troubles. You are a very intune mom to catch those little things. Blessings to you and your family.



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