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Hate is a strong word.

When you live on a small island like I do in Trinidad, you really do not want to be too outspoken about terrible things happening to someone you know, because it is almost as if you are talking about it happening in your own backyard. But the fact is, terrible things do happen and unfortunately it sometimes happen to people you know or people who you cannot ignore.

In the last month there was a unforgettable incident of a little girl being attacked and physically taken advantage of ... and this rocked out entire community. Mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, granddaughters and friends were really disturbed about the attack... because you do feel as if it has happened in your back yard! For a few weeks no one felt safe in their own homes and everyone was whispering about the ever changing rumors of the whereabouts of a man, who manage to physically hurt 1 and mentally hurt 100s.

In my heart I do feel sorry for the young girl and pray that through God, family and friends she can be a survivor. I pray that she find inner strength to not let this monster 'kill' her spirit and her soul. It is always difficult to conceptualize how someone could harm such an innocent child, but there really are real monsters out there. There really are people who do not understand right from wrong and who prey on the little ones.

I really hate what this man has done to her and what he has done to many others, and pray constantly for the safely of my loved ones and families. I know hate is a strong word ... but for me ... what he has inflicted onto this little girl has always been my greatest fear for myself and my children. So I do believe I hate him. But it is not only me... it is everyone and anyone who hears what he has done. He is hate personified and the only way to flush this emotion out... is to .... what??? What can you do to eradicate hate... and anger... and fear??? What can be done to find peace once more?

Only time will tell if this monster is caught and put behind bars once and for all. Only time will tell if this man can be stopped from causing more pain. So we all wait....


  1. Hi! I'm visiting from a comment you made on Blended with Love.

    I'm sorry for the terrible thing that happened in your neighborhood. That is definitely very scary! I live in a pretty quiet area where I've never felt the need to lock my doors when I leave home or go to bed - until now. There have been lots of burglaries recently - mostly during daylight hours. It's definitely a weird feeling for me.

    I just have to repeat to myself throughout my day about all sorts of trials that come up, " I trust you God." "I trust you." Because He's the one ultimately in charge, right? :)

  2. So scary. This is my biggest fear as well. I wonder if I will ever be able to let my daughter out of my sight.

  3. hi Jillian thank you for the sweet comment on my blog, it means a lot to me! i'm not familiar with breast cancer but am trying to use my blog to push myself to learn more.. i think all us girls need to! glad to have found your blog - a new follower now too :)

    sorry to hear this happened where you live, hopefully it will all be better and whoever it is will be held responsible for this! stay safe xx

    rachel x

  4. Wow, so sorry to hear about this awful tragedy. I hope he does get caught. You are right Hate really is a strong word but in this case it almost doesn't seem strong enough.

  5. That is just plain awful, and I do hope that in writing the story down you were able to work through some of your own pain. You hit the nail on the head when you said by hurting 1, mentally he hurt 100's. so true and so sad. I prayed for your community. That this monster would be caught and punished (is any punishment enough?) and that you all will find peace. xoxo jules *new follower

  6. Definitely my biggest fear as well. I definitely agree with your feelings of hatred- how do you get rid of them?

    If you have a minute, look up "The Shack." It is a good read (boring at parts, but worth your time). It was deep, theological, and helped me think about the monsters we have to deal with in this world.


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